Creating magical experiences.
With Brand Strategy.​

Brand strategy is like a compass to reach long-term magic.

Whether your business is starting out or evolving, you will need to clarify its purpose, why the company exists and in what voice it speaks to the customers.

Otherwise, it was all luck.

Positionierung in Branding-Strategie

Brand Strategy starts
with Positioning.

What do people say about your business when you are not in the room?

In brand strategy positioning is key. Think about Mercedes, why would someone pay a premium for a car, that just moves you from A to B?

Is it because its clean design, environmental impact or because of its status?

Target audience to
stay focused.

What if you need to focus on only one target audience, would you like that idea? Or does it feel like, you will lose a lot of customers that will not fulfill the criteria of one target audience?

Think about Nike, the “Just Do It” slogan helped millions of people to get in their running shoes and move. Today Nike’s target audience shifted from helping people to do sports to other, distinctive industries like fashion or barber shops.

Eine Zielgruppe, Ein Fokus in Branding-Strategie
Eine Zielgruppe, Ein Fokus in Branding-Strategie

Target audience to
stay focused.

What if you need to focus on only one target audience, would you like that idea? Or does it feel like, you will lose a lot of customers that will not fulfill the criteria of one target audience?

Think about Nike, the “Just Do It” slogan helped millions of people to get in their running shoes and move. Today Nike’s target audience shifted from helping people to do sports to other, distinctive industries like fashion or barber shops.

Der Charakter deiner Brand in Branding-Strategie

Characteristics that describe your brand.

If your brand was a man, how would you describe him? Shy and calm or confident and loud? Cheeky and young or refreshing mature?

Who would like to be friends with him, Ikea or FIFA? Would he talk about politics or just stay out of it?

You will need to define the personality of your brand, how it feels inside and how it presents itself to the outside world.

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Quick Brand Strategy Bites

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